Fantastic Realism (A Michael Chekhov Acting Workhsop)

Yes, Michael Chekhov is coming to Montreal.  Hard to believe, but true!  Well, at least his Acting Technique is coming, in the form of a workshop. 

Some Psychological Gestures to get you in the Michael Chekhov mood...

Some Psychological Gestures to get you in the Michael Chekhov mood...

We've teamed up with Lionel Walsh (Professor as part of the BFA Acting Programme at the University of Windsor, as well as Associate Dean, Academic and Student Affairs, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences) to bring some Fantastic Realism exercises your way.  Developed from Michael Chekhov's own work in engaging the actor's physical self as well as their imagination, these exercises aim to inspire character, create relationships, and interpret text.  (Basically, they're great new tools to add to your "creator" tool belt.)

Michael Chekhov (1891 – 1955), nephew of the playwright Anton Chekhov, is recognized as one of the greatest actors of the 20th century.  At the Moscow Art Theatre, the collaboration between Stanislavsky, Vakhtangov, Meyerhold, and Chekhov led to a theater that was bold, expressive and imaginative. In their work they searched for objective principles that would lead to inspired acting.*  Today, practitioners and teachers all over the world continue to work with and develop Chekhov's principles, helping the tools evolve to support the ever-changing medium of storytelling and performance.

Fantastic Realism Workshop (OCT 2015)

Fantastic Realism Workshop (OCT 2015)

Actors, directors, writers, dancers: creators of all kinds are more than welcome!  We don't have a lot of spots available, so send us an e-mail quick as you like to be a part of what is promising to be a very creative weekend.

Can't wait to hear from you!

- Turnbull (Founder/AD)

*Thanks to MICHA for this little sum-up!

Are you familiar with Michael Chekhov's Acting Technique?  Have you worked with it before?  Comment below!
Know someone who would like to participate? 
Share this post with them!


The early bird gets the worm...

My heart, it was racing.  My head, it was pounding.  My fingers, well, they were typing faster than they ever had before.

Why is that?  Because St Ambroise Montreal Fringe Festival released their Early Bird Application for next year's festival.  And everyone knows the early bird gets the worm (and I wanted that worm).

Picture brought to you by St Ambroise Montreal Fringe Festival

Picture brought to you by St Ambroise Montreal Fringe Festival

It looks like my hard and fast work paid off: I am so excited to announce that BullPen Productions will be a part of FRINGE MTL 2016!  Yes, it will be a new work.  Yes, it is under development as you read this.  Yes, it is going to be very exciting.

So mark your calendars (honestly, the Fringe should already be carved in stone because what a fabulous way to spend a couple weeks in the heart of Montreal) and get ready for what BullPen has in store for you.

Till next time, friends...

- Turnbull (Founder/AD)

Have you participated in the Montreal Fringe?  As an artist, volunteer, media, or audience member?  What has been your favourite show?  Will we be seeing you there in 2016?  Tell us through social media or leave a comment below!

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